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Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

Received: 27 May 2024     Accepted: 15 June 2024     Published: 8 July 2024
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Ethiopia is a country that heavily relies on rainfall-aided cultivation which is carried out by small-scale landowners, leaving it very vulnerable to climate change and fluctuation. The primary goal of this research is to investigate how climate change affects maize yield in Wolaita zone of Ethiopia. The authors were employed a linear regression method to evaluate the relationship between climate parameters and maize yield. Sen's slope magnitude estimator and the Mann-Kendal trend test were used to assess the significance of climate change. The outcome demonstrated that the temperature extreme indices of warm days and the length of warm days were considerably higher by 37.5% and 3.7% of days per year, however, cold days and cold spells were significantly decreased. Over the 1981-2021 periods, there was a significant upward pattern in TXx and TNn at an average of 0.033°C and 0.034°C. There was a considerable decline of 2.3% in the simple daily precipitation intensity index and 33% decreased in extremely heavy precipitation, respectively. The correlation analysis's findings indicated that growing period precipitation and maize outputs were positively correlated, but negatively correlated with maximum and minimum temperatures. Extreme temperature and precipitation were more explained a maize yield than average climate patterns. 12.4%, 14.76%, 13.08%, and 7.95% of maize output variability was attributed by the growing season mean climate conditions, which include precipitation, mean, minimum, and maximum temperature. The variability of maize output was explained by combined impact of precipitation and temperature extremes were 67.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Therefore, livelihood diversification and relevant policy formulation are suggested to adapt inevitable climate change by implementing irrigation and resistant varieties to improve maize yield production.

Published in International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science (Volume 9, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijees.20240902.11
Page(s) 20-37
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Agriculture, Climate Change, Correlation, Maize Yield, Regression, Wolaita Zone

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  • APA Style

    Badacho, T. B., Geleta, T. D., Lema, M. D., Wondimu, S. A., Wahima, B. T. (2024). Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science, 9(2), 20-37.

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    ACS Style

    Badacho, T. B.; Geleta, T. D.; Lema, M. D.; Wondimu, S. A.; Wahima, B. T. Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Int. J. Energy Environ. Sci. 2024, 9(2), 20-37. doi: 10.11648/j.ijees.20240902.11

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    AMA Style

    Badacho TB, Geleta TD, Lema MD, Wondimu SA, Wahima BT. Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Int J Energy Environ Sci. 2024;9(2):20-37. doi: 10.11648/j.ijees.20240902.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijees.20240902.11,
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      title = {Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia
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      abstract = {Ethiopia is a country that heavily relies on rainfall-aided cultivation which is carried out by small-scale landowners, leaving it very vulnerable to climate change and fluctuation. The primary goal of this research is to investigate how climate change affects maize yield in Wolaita zone of Ethiopia. The authors were employed a linear regression method to evaluate the relationship between climate parameters and maize yield. Sen's slope magnitude estimator and the Mann-Kendal trend test were used to assess the significance of climate change. The outcome demonstrated that the temperature extreme indices of warm days and the length of warm days were considerably higher by 37.5% and 3.7% of days per year, however, cold days and cold spells were significantly decreased. Over the 1981-2021 periods, there was a significant upward pattern in TXx and TNn at an average of 0.033°C and 0.034°C. There was a considerable decline of 2.3% in the simple daily precipitation intensity index and 33% decreased in extremely heavy precipitation, respectively. The correlation analysis's findings indicated that growing period precipitation and maize outputs were positively correlated, but negatively correlated with maximum and minimum temperatures. Extreme temperature and precipitation were more explained a maize yield than average climate patterns. 12.4%, 14.76%, 13.08%, and 7.95% of maize output variability was attributed by the growing season mean climate conditions, which include precipitation, mean, minimum, and maximum temperature. The variability of maize output was explained by combined impact of precipitation and temperature extremes were 67.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Therefore, livelihood diversification and relevant policy formulation are suggested to adapt inevitable climate change by implementing irrigation and resistant varieties to improve maize yield production.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Climate Change Impact on Rain-Fed Maize Yield Cultivated with Small-Scale Landowners in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia
    AU  - Tadele Badebo Badacho
    AU  - Tesfaye Dessu Geleta
    AU  - Mehuba Demissie Lema
    AU  - Sintayehu Abera Wondimu
    AU  - Birtukan Tadesse Wahima
    Y1  - 2024/07/08
    PY  - 2024
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    T2  - International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science
    JF  - International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science
    JO  - International Journal of Energy and Environmental Science
    SP  - 20
    EP  - 37
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2578-9546
    UR  -
    AB  - Ethiopia is a country that heavily relies on rainfall-aided cultivation which is carried out by small-scale landowners, leaving it very vulnerable to climate change and fluctuation. The primary goal of this research is to investigate how climate change affects maize yield in Wolaita zone of Ethiopia. The authors were employed a linear regression method to evaluate the relationship between climate parameters and maize yield. Sen's slope magnitude estimator and the Mann-Kendal trend test were used to assess the significance of climate change. The outcome demonstrated that the temperature extreme indices of warm days and the length of warm days were considerably higher by 37.5% and 3.7% of days per year, however, cold days and cold spells were significantly decreased. Over the 1981-2021 periods, there was a significant upward pattern in TXx and TNn at an average of 0.033°C and 0.034°C. There was a considerable decline of 2.3% in the simple daily precipitation intensity index and 33% decreased in extremely heavy precipitation, respectively. The correlation analysis's findings indicated that growing period precipitation and maize outputs were positively correlated, but negatively correlated with maximum and minimum temperatures. Extreme temperature and precipitation were more explained a maize yield than average climate patterns. 12.4%, 14.76%, 13.08%, and 7.95% of maize output variability was attributed by the growing season mean climate conditions, which include precipitation, mean, minimum, and maximum temperature. The variability of maize output was explained by combined impact of precipitation and temperature extremes were 67.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Therefore, livelihood diversification and relevant policy formulation are suggested to adapt inevitable climate change by implementing irrigation and resistant varieties to improve maize yield production.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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